February 26th, 2016
This slidify presentation is part of the Course Project for the Coursera Developing Data Products class.
The course project consists of two parts:
The app developed for the first part of the assignment is avalilable at:
Source code for ui.R and server.R files are available on GitHub:
The Slidify presentation can be viewed on GitHub:
The Gene TyPR app (pronounced "Gene Typer", an acronym for Gene Type Parser) was developed with several goals in mind:
Bioinformatics analysis often involves downloading and integrating public data from sites such as the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), part of the United States National Library of Medicine, a branch of the National Institutes of Health.
The Gene TyPR app was designed to download the latest Homo sapiens gene information (updated nightly) from the NCBI, analyze and display user-selected gene type data, and allow for export.
The Gene TyPR app subsets the downloaded gene info data based on user-selected gene type. For example, the protein-coding data frame consists of five columns of data:
## EntrezGeneID Symbol Chromosome Description GeneType
## 1 1 A1BG 19 alpha-1-B glycoprotein protein-coding
## 2 2 A2M 12 alpha-2-macroglobulin protein-coding
Once a gene type is selected, the app summarizes genes by chromosome and displays:
Data tables can be downloaded as comma-separated values (csv) files.
The Gene TyPR app has a tabbed interface that displays a Plot of the data (barchart), a table summarizing the user-selected gene type Gene Count per chromosome, and a table providing Gene Details for the selected gene type. Both data tables can be exported.